"We have done it!! What a result!
Big thank you to Ernest Tsui Architect (https://www.ernesttsui-architects.co.uk) and Land Planning Associates (http://landplanningassociates.co.uk)" Billy Kin Pang (Facebook post from another happy client)
Getting a one-off house, of your dreams, is not for the faint-hearted but we are here to guide you through. Concept, Planning, Planning Appeal if necessary we will help you realise something bespoke, special and essentially you.
So just for fun we have below the dream of the above client as presented to the Planning Committee. In essence a dream in 3 mins:
Hutton Grove is more than just the creation of new a single storey dwelling with recycling and bicycle storage.
What we also have is a family home that both achieves and surpasses the standards for space, and the criteria for lifetime homes.
This means it will cater for the families needs today, tomorrow and will also allow for ease of adaption for future generations.
The design is contextual. This means it responds to: site, planning policy and local consultation.
It arrives here at committee after the client's engagement in a rigorous and extensive pre-planning process with Barnet Council's planning department.
This process has included a robust set of reports as requested by the planners.
Which in turn has developed both the brief and overall specifications to create what will be an exemplar house within Barnet's housing stock.
The house will return the garden of number ** to proportions that match its neighbours.
It will take the unique triangular site to the rear and create a concealed single storey home which is set down, in the site, as to match the roof heights of the surrounding outbuildings, it will as a result have a low impact on the neighbouring gardens.
The lowering of the site will bring it closer to street level allowing easy access for residents and visitors of all ages and mobility.
It is a 2 bedroom property fit for purpose, for a mother, father and 2 children, so will not effect the amenity of the neighbour's with noise or high footfall.
There will be no parking sort by this application, so no additional strain will be placed on the controlled parking on Hutton Grove.
But Most importantly:
"The proposed house would be enjoyable to live in:"
The house will the make the most of being flooded with daylight and will have strong links to the garden and outdoor living spaces"
So the new family home would exceed:
space and living standard,
have low impact on neighbouring amenities
is adaptable and accessible for current and future residents
Has been developed alongside the rigours of the planning process enough to be considered an exemplar of sustainability and accessibility once completed
And on this basis we would ask you to grant permission in favour of this application.
Thank you! :-)
A house Supported by the planning department, lauded by the objecting neighbours and planning committee as a 'great design' but actually turned down.
Yes we were as surprised as you probably are. However this sort of setback should not quash your dream home aspirations. It won at appeal with no changes to the design and the added expertise in the advocate that was Trevor (http://landplanningassociates.co.uk). The Planning Inspectorate overturned the decision.
Keep chasing the Dream House...it is very appealing!