Compose the Marketing dot Com…

Your do not have to be small and furry or sing opera in this business, But it helps!

No but in all seriousness having a unique selling point is the best way to get noticed.

And getting noticed is good marketing. It helps raise your profile and puts change in the till.

However, there is another way. It is called passion. Be passionate about what you do and how you do it and the rewards become self-evident.

... if it tickles your heart, and it’s something you think you want to do for the rest of your life, then that is going to be what you do for the rest of your life, and we will benefit from everything you do.” - Steven Spielberg

For us a few opportunities have arisen from our passions: working on luxury residential architecture, gaining proficiency in the design and legislation needed to build it, collaborative business practices and engaging with the locality.

“What is that?” I hear you cry (Ok, well, it is hard to write a blog without a few rhetorical questions.)

Marketing opportunities in the shape of:

Awards this year

Award Shelf at the studio

Award Shelf at the studio

“Earlier this year, Ernest Tsui Architects + Partners were recipients within our 2018 Leading Designers awards, and have since continued to establish themselves as industry leaders – illustrating the specialised expertise and innovative approach that keeps Ernest Tsui Architects + Partners at the forefront of its field.”

Danielle Grafton, LUX Life

Award for Excellence in: High-End Interior Design & Architecture - the UK

Architect of the Year: Surrey 

Most Dynamic Residential Architecture Practice - South East England

Best Luxury Residential Architecture & Interior Design Firm - UK

Best South East Residential Renovation Project: Hermitage House

Leading Designers Awards - Best Full-Service Architectural & Interior Design Firm - UK

Top Luxury Residential Architect - UK.

Best Luxury Residential Architecture Firm 2018 – UK

The value of this being that all of them are from organisations recognising our high quality work, services and its impact on the local area. Plus it helps raise our profile and hits to the website.


Sponsored hole app.

Sponsored hole app.

Any hole is a goal! Well only if it is a hole in one. The opportunity to sponsor a hole at the Banstead Downs Golf Club means not only are we able to help support one local business but through Banstead Downs Golf Club Sponsors Networking Meeting are able to really engage with the community. This helps broaden our reach and keep our ears open.

Invitation to be part of a Guide to Renovating Your Home

Online Publication

Online Publication

Our commitment to our work got us included in the Southern Building Control’s publication for a homeowner’s guide to all things Building Regulations and beyond. It is nice to be invited to contribute to this sort of venture as it allows potential clients to effectively stroll into a helpful environment and meet the experts, in a book….


Farnham Design Day and Homebuilding and Renovation Show, Sandown

Farnham Design Day

Farnham Design Day

And then we also were invited to be in actual rooms as experts a couple of times this year in conjunction with the RIBA and Homebuilding and Renovation Show, Sandown, (we jumped at the chance. Sorry!).

So from print to web from internet to rooms full of people keen to glean from our experience.

One thing is certain: If you are going to compose your marketing make sure it is based on your passion for what you do. That way marketing and success will be something you attain whilst building on your expertise and doing what you love.

Please follow the links, browse our website and get ready I have put on my fur hat and am about to Siii…..NGG!

 (Editior’s Note. You do not have a fur hat. Further note. Bit too loud to think in hear atm.)